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d) Salaries shall be paid monthly in arrears. A salaries schedule showing the gross pay, advances, deductions and net pay shall be prepared by the Accountant, checked and verified by the Finance manager/HR manager and approved by the organization head prior to the preparation of payment vouchers and the check.

e) A personal data card shall be opened for each member of staff. Salaries shall be paid by check through the respective bank accounts.

f) Employees shall be issued with a pay slip every month, which will show the computation of his/her net salary.

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g) Signing the payment vouchers for the net pay, and the monthly transfer sheets where applicable shall evidence authorization of salary payments.

4.2 Salary Advances to Staff

Staff advances shall be given upon request in accordance with regulations stipulated in the personnel policies and procedures manual (by complete, signed and authorized Staff Advance Authorization form, SAAF). An Advances ledger account should be opened and reconciled at every end month. However, all advances should be approved subject to the availability of funds.

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4.3 Pending Advances

A statement of funds lying with outsiders and staff should be recorded at the end of every month-end. It is necessary to review it on a monthly basis to identify whether any deposits/advances are lying unadjusted or overdue for settlement. While it is possible that the actual date of payments and the purpose of which the deposit/advance was given gets obliterated by passage of time, this report will regularly give details of such funds lying elsewhere.

Crpf Pay Slip Ngo Portal

4.4 Travel Expenses

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A grants database, a donor search option, sample proposals, a library of guidebooks on how to raise funds, a grants map, a deadline calendar, training from fundraising experts and an alert system to give you timely information about new opportunities. We have all of these in our Premium Membership service - now available at 50% discount. $49.99 per year only. Click here!

Travel expenses incurred by staff or any other authorized person shall be reimbursed according to the regulations set out in the Human Resource Policies and Procedures Manual.

Crpf Pay Slip Ngo 2017

4.5 Travel Advances to Staff

Crpf Pay Slip

Travel advances shall be granted in accordance with the above mentioned regulations. A separate staff debtor account shall be opened for each advance granted. Any advances not accounted for within two weeks shall be recovered from the salary of the employee concerned without prior reference to the employee.”